HELLO EVERYONE...............
Today I would like to share with u all about IT, my future and contribution to our country....
As u all known, I’m an IT student in my college.. As an IT student, many challenge that I should go through to get a best result and to be a good student as well as I can...
To be an IT ambassador is my dream actually, so that if I will be an IT ambassador of the future, I also want to give some contributions so that our country can being recognized in the eyes of the world.
What will be my contribution??
I would like to create or build something that can make our country standard same as another developed country like Japan, America, etc. Their technologies are much better and more sophisticated than our country.
In order to achieve my goals, many preparations that I should do from now...
First, I must study a little big hard so that I can get a good result and can further my studies in a highest level. Knowledge is very important to us. It is because without knowledge we cannot easily involve with other intelligent people and we also cannot achieve our ambition. So, be a knowledgeable person is very important because we can help to contribute something to our country and can do something that can make ourselves and all people around us proud...
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